Saturday, 30 April 2011

5 am uk time sony goes live on the internet to speak and answer qestions tonight.

Monday, 25 April 2011

new members

will all new members or ppl wishing to be in the clan please post your full online name in the new recruits section of this site.  all players  wishing to be listed as ATm members on this site must speak to an elder whilst in game and they will bring it to my attention. remember it all counts on how loyal u are to the clan

playstation network down !!! day 5

its now day 5 of the psn network downage and it fuckin sucks ive completed kill zone 3 and bfbc2 AGAIN ! sony still have not given any statement naming a time for the network to be back to normal if any1 wants to speak add me on facebook also ive registered this clan on a website called its all about clan battles and shit weve got are own blog there so sign up and chat shit with other clans lol my fb name is scott ryan my profile pic is my dog with sunglasses on . speak soon guys